środa, 27 lipca 2016

Conversations - Can you swim? Yes, I can!

As you have probably noticed, September is getting closer and closer thus I started preparing materials for the next school year. Will it be useful to tell our classmates what we have learnt during holidays? I hope it will! I have prepared cards with questions that may be useful for practising CAN / CAN'T and short ansfers. Learners work in pairs. Each student is given one card
 (student A or student B). They ask each other given questions and answer. 

a. Can you dive?
b. Yes, I can. / No, I can't. 

Easy as it is! ;)

wtorek, 10 maja 2016

Mother's Day!

I promised I would share materials that I prepared for Mother's Day. Here you will find files with flashcards, memory game, cards for mothers and many others ... It will be easier if I show it ;) !

For so long I couldn't come with the idea what vocabulary I shoud use when it comes to Mother's Day. I was thinking about duties or other annoying things that every mum has to deal with every day. However, I decided to teach children vocabulary which is more pleasant and strongly connected with every woman ;) Here you have 13 flashcards which may refer (or should refer :)) to Mother's Day. 

You will find here also a task with vocabulary from flashcards. It's a word search. Word placement: forward, backward, diagonal, up and down - to make it more demanding ;)

I also prepared a memory game with adjectives describing mother. 

I designed cards for mums with tracing and frames in which learners may draw their mothers or insert a photo. They may also decorate the card with flowers :)

The last thing that I prepared is a flower. Children cut the flowers out and glue the center of the flower into their notebooks. Under each petal they write adjectives describing their mothers. 

I hope you will find it useful!

poniedziałek, 9 maja 2016

Mother's Day dates in different countries

Do you remember about Mother's Day?! In Poland people celebrate Mother's Day on 26th May. What about other countries .... ?

Mother's Day in Norway is the second Sunday in February

8th March 
In Bulgaria Mother's Day is fixed and always celebrated on 8 March, along with International Women's Day

Mother's Day in the UK always falls on the fourth Sunday in the Christian Festival of Lent. The day is called Mothering Sunday.

First Sunday in May (3rd in 2009)
Mother's Day is celebrated on the first Sunday in May in:


Second Sunday in May (10th in 2009)
Mother's Day is celebrated on the second Sunday in May in:

United States
10 May 
Mother's Day is always celebrated on 10 May in:

Hong Kong
Saudi Arabia
United Arab Emirates
26 May

Mother's Day in  Poland!!!

Last Sunday in May



12 August
Mother's Day in Thailand is celebrated on the Queen of Thailand's birthday. 
It is a big celebration with street decorations.

piątek, 29 kwietnia 2016


Hello guys!
I'm sure you know matura exams are comming so I've decided to prepare something for students of high school. I've observed that tenses make learners confused and they have a lot of problems with grammar. I always try to visualize the tense or the order of actions. I'm a visual so I learn through colours, shapes and ... timelines. I've noticed that many students acquire the rules faster when they're able to 'see' a certain tense in a timeline. That's why I've created cards presenting each tense in a timeline form. I did my best to make it clear and esthetic and I hope you'll find it useful and helpful.
I wish you a nice weekend!

środa, 13 kwietnia 2016

Animals puzzles !

I should start with apologizing you for not writing so long. Unfortunately, I have so many things to do and so little time to remember about those things.
Recently, I've prepared wild animals puzzles and domestic animals puzzles which - as I've observed - give a lot of fun for young learners. They love guessing which animal is going to appear, thus they're more engaged into the task. 


wtorek, 29 marca 2016

Have you got ... ?

Good afternoon! 
I promised I would come back more creative and I hope I won't let you down! The whole Easter I couldn't stop thinking about my blog, although I wanted a little break from work and responsibilities. I believe this blog will be getting better and better as time goes by. Today, I'd like to present you some cards which can be used for teaching "have got" questions and short answers. Students may also use them for describing people's apperance. 

The procedure:
Students work in pairs. Student A asks questions : Have you got brown eyes? Have you got a beard?
Student B answers: "Yes, I have" or "No, I haven't".
After collecting enough information, student A can ask directly: "Are you Danielle?"
Student B answers: "Yes, I am" or " No, I'm not".

Students may exchange their cards with other pairs or you can prepare more than one 'Student B card' for each 'Student A card'.

I wish you a sunny and creative day!

środa, 23 marca 2016

What's the time?

Since some time I do nothing but share my new ideas for a lesson, that's why this is the last post before Easter. Today I have prepared two boards for student A and student B. The purpose of this task is to practice asking about the time and answering the questions. 

Student A: What's the time in 2a?
Student B: It's a quarter to ten.

Student A fills the gap and the next question is asked by student B and so on.

See you after Easter! I hope I'll come back more creative than ever!

wtorek, 22 marca 2016

Domino - difficult version

Hi guys! I've been missing you so much and my blog too!

Do you need some more demanding staff? I hope you do! I've prepared more difficult version of domino which might be used in the 1st grade of Junior High School or in the 6th grade of Elementary School if your students are on a higher level. 

Help yourselves and download here.
Have a nice evening!


poniedziałek, 21 marca 2016

Easter Memory!

Good morning my Dears!
 I hope you're in good moods despite the fact that it's Monday. 
Here you have Easter Memory game which I promised to put here.

Easter Memory Game to download.

Real photo of the game :)

I hope it will be useful!

niedziela, 20 marca 2016

Easter BINGO!

Hello everyone!
I couldn't wait for a new game to create, that's why I've prepared a perfect game for Easter - Easter Bingo. I hope you will like it! 
Tomorrow afternoon I will put here memory cards also related to Easter with the same pictures.


Hello everyone!

piątek, 18 marca 2016

Where is Kitty? - prepositions of place [board game]

Hello there! 
Przygotowałam grę planszową (bez wyszukanych zasad), która może świetnie się sprawdzić na powtórce prepositions of place.
Zasady gry: rzucamy kostką i gdy staniemy na polu oznaczonym kociakiem, opisujemy gdzie on się znajduje, używając przyimków miejsca. Za każdą prawidłową odpowiedź uczeń otrzymuje 1 punkt, natomiast za brak odpowiedzi uczeń otrzymuje 0 punktów lub można odejmować 1 punkt. Opcji jest pewnie wiele, więc każdy według siebie może stworzyć nowe zasady gry.

Have a nice Friday! Weekend is coming! (;

czwartek, 17 marca 2016

Prepositions of place on St. Patrick's Day !

Oczywiście nie zapomniałam o Dniu Świętego Patryka, w związku z tym, wrzucam karty z prepositions of place, których tematem przewodnim jest właśnie to święto. 
See you soon! (;

poniedziałek, 14 marca 2016

Domino "occupations"

Poniedziałki lubią być pracowite, dlatego niespodziewanie wypadła mi lekcja na powtórzenie słownictwa z tematu : "occupations". 
Łapcie szybkie domino, zrobione dosłownie chwilę temu :) jeszcze cieplutkie!
P.S. może grafika nie zachwyca, ale w sytuacji podbramkowej dobre i to :) w wolnym czasie pewnie to udoskonalę, aby cieszyło oko.

P.S.2 Męczyłam się z tymi tabelkami, i wstawianiem obrazków... jak to mówią, człowiek mądry po szkodzie, dlatego dopiero po zakończeniu pracy znalazłam stronkę dzięki której, łatwo i szybko zrobić domino. Łapcie --->  DOMINO MAKER

niedziela, 13 marca 2016

Spring! Where are you?

W związku z tym, że na dworze szaro, a wiosny póki co nie widać, postanowiłam trochę oszukać zimę i stworzyłam iście wiosenną grę, pełną pastelowych kolorów!

Gra, świetnie się sprawdza jako powtórka słownictwa. Forma gry może być odpowiednia dla różnych grup wiekowych, zmieni się jednak tematyka (słownictwo).
Potrzebne rzeczy : plansza, pionki, kostka, kolorowe koniczyny ze słownictwem, plansza z zasadami gry.
Plansza :

W zależności od koloru koniczyny, na której stanie nasz pionek, zabieramy jedną koniczynę tego samego koloru, i wykonujemy polecenie według zasad. Oto koniczyny które przygotowałam na powtórkę słownictwa z tematów : school, animals, emotions.


Puste koniczyny do wypełnienia: 

Plansza z zasadami (oczywiście możecie ją edytować według własnego uznania - draw it, spell it, etc)
Koniczyna czterolistna (niebieska) oznacza jeden punkt dodatkowy, bez losowania koniczyny i wykonywania zadania.

 Już niedługo dodam zdjęcia wyciętych i zalaminowanych koniczyn oraz całej gry!
Udanej niedzieli !